Criminal law for the medical profession
“Neue psychoaktive Substanzen und Arzneimittelstrafrecht”
Criminal proceedings in general
My services regarding criminal proceedings in general are amongst others: Causing death by negligence, manslaughter, deprivation of liberty, falsifying or altering of documents, theft, deception, subsidies fraud, robbery, extortion, preferential treatment, money laundering, breach of trust, bribery and corruption in business transactions, sexual offences, internet offences, IT criminal law, environment and economic crime.
Traffic offences
- My services regarding traffic offences are amongst others: Drunken driving under Section 316 Criminal Code
- Driving whilst under the influence of narcotics (Narcotics Act)
- Unlawfully leaving the scene of an accident, Section 142 Criminal Code
- Endangering road traffic, Section 315c Criminal Code
- Using threats or force in road traffic, Section 240 Criminal Code
- Negligent manslaughter/Causing bodily harm by negligence, Section 222 Criminal Code, Section 229 Criminal Code
- Traffic violations
Narcotics law / criminal law relating to medicines
My defence work in narcotics law mainly involves cases of possession, trafficking, growing, importing, exporting, selling or producing narcotics. In addition, I serve as a trial lawyer in criminal breaches of the Medicinal Products Act (AMG).
I also defend juveniles and young adults who have become involved in drugs and are being prosecuted under juvenile criminal law.
Criminal law for the medical profession
My field of activities includes the criminal law for the medical profession. In 2009 I wrote my first publication on the topic of criminal law for the dental profession. In medical criminal proceedings, investigations can have far-reaching consequences for the doctor. Such an investigation may even threaten the doctor's professional existence and livelihood because he or she may be struck off the medical register if the court hands down a guilty verdict and imposes a fine. Criminal complaints against doctors for bodily harm and investigations against doctors for settlement fraud are only two possible constellations under which a doctor can come into contact with the criminal law.